
Dore Primary Reading Challenge 2022!

A HUGE well done to everybody who has been having a go at completing the reading challenges since half term. So many children have shared their awesome reading experiences so far and we can’t wait to celebrate how many children have managed to complete them all! You’ve got until the last week of term (deadline […]

World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating books and reading. In the afternoon the Y4s visited to read and look at the children’s books with them.

Spring 2 week 2

This week the children have continued with their learning about spring. They listened to the oral story telling of the Month of March. In the story 2 young children go out side and notice the early signs of spring, they are able to collect eggs from their chickens , to see catkins growing on the […]

Y1 Maths – measuring!

Yesterday, the children practised measuring using non-standard units such as hands, pencils and even whiteboards! They worked hard to measure accurately and start in the correct place.

Computing: Micro:bit Radio Transmitters and Receivers

In Computing this half term, Year 6 have been exploring the different uses of the micro:bit. This powerful, portable, programmable computer has a range of functions; Year 6 have a been using them to send and receive Morse code messages to each other, in the same way a WW2 warship would have communicated with naval […]