
Y3 Maths – Measuring trees

In Maths Y3 are looking at Length and perimeter. The children took a metre stick and measured the trees on Kings Croft. The children put the information they had found into a tally chart. We had a great time not only developing our maths skills but also getting lots of fresh air.

Maths- Fractions with salt dough

Our maths in Y2 has moved onto fractions. Our immersion lesson allowed for our Y2s to create their own pizza’s, bread and cakes using salt dough, integrating fractions to split their creations into halves, quarters and thirds.

Measuring in FS2

The children have been using their comparing and measuring skills in maths as we explored mass and capcity in the maths sessions we have had since Christmas. The children were knowledgeable about the kind of vocabulary we use when we describe those comparisons. They also measured how much objects weighed using cubes and how much […]

Y3 Maths Place value – ordering numbers

As Mathematicians, to consolidate our understanding of place value we made our own 0-1000 number lines. In groups, we labelled multiples of 10 and 100 then placed random 3 digit numbers on our number lines. Are they all in the right order?

Our first week in Y2

🎉 Welcome back, Year 2 superstars! 🎉 It has been a great first week back at school. We have love exploring all our new classroom areas and taking part in our Y2 learning so far. We are getting ready for another amazing year of learning, achieveing , and making incredible memories together!

Maths Y1

The children learnt how to recognise full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty with water.