
London in 1665

In Y2 we have been learning about the plague in London in 1665, and comparing it to Covid-19. Did you know that people with the plague also had to isolate? They would put a Red Cross on their door. The medicines used were very different, children can you remember some of the strange things people used to try to cure themselves of the plague?
We have also been comparing houses from 1665 to 2021, we created our own wattle and daub structure in our outdoor area and have made cardboard replicas of houses from 1665.

Using our time machine, a special visitor, Mrs Darling, came to tell us all about London in 1665. She was surprised to see all of the technology that we have in 2021 and also how many children were at school! 
The next day, a parcel appeared from Mrs Darling, it was a gift from her local bakery on Pudding Lane in London. We tasted delicious biscuits, chewy flapjack and soft bread. Mrs Darling was worried about the bakery, they weren’t getting much business due to the plague. We decided to help her and make posters to advertise the bakery, our plan to send them back in time using our time machine!