
Y3 How does your garden grow?

Our final learning journey in Year 3, has inspired some wonderful creativity: science, art, computing and English.

In Science, we learnt the correct names and funtions of different parts of a plant. Children showed their understanding by choosing different materials to represent each part.

We are so lucky at Dore Primary to have access to wildlife areas, in our art lessons we made the most of our natural environment to practice drawing plants from life before creating some still-life paintings.

Our computing used a program called logo. This needs careful instructions using tuns and steps to create the shapes we want. We also learnt that using a repeat command made the programmes much more efficent.

The poems written in English lessons speak for themselves. We reminded the children of techniques they had learnt previoulsy such as similies, alliteration, descriptions. Then just let them write. The results are blooming marvelous!