
Pre-School Autumn 1 Week 5 Autumn Story

This week we are thinking about Autumn and going out and about to look for signs of Autumn. We have been on a long walk to find acorns, conkers, beech nuts and colourful leaves.

We also learnt a new oral story called the Autumn Story. The children listened to songs and joined in with actions of the story which followed the day of two children as they went out side on a cold autumn day. The children found apples fallen on the floor, different coloured leaves, they rolled down the hill, met sheep and lastly watched Squirrel Nutkins looking for acorns and conkers . See if your children can remember any of the songs .

We’ve been enjoying playing outside with cars and inside with sand, construction and compare bears.

We’ve been making leaf kebabs ,leaf pictures and leaf crowns We enjoyed planting daffodil bulbs, taking care to cover them over. Embracing the autumnal rain and watching the cars slide down the ramps.

Enjoying the thick oozy mud .

Inside play and creativity .

Busy bakers

Making kites and playing on the swing.
