
The Book Jungle and The Magical World of Books are OPEN!

Mrs Glossop and Mrs Shapland helped by some crafty Y5s to make book boats

Dore Primary has always had a passion for reading for pleasure; our children enjoy books at school and at home, many being avid readers from an early age.  The two newly refurbished  rooms are the latest way for children to develop their love of reading and books further. A huge collaborative effort has resulted in the Book Jungle and the Magical World of Books being ready for the children to use; Dore Parent’s Association have run dynamic fundraising activities to generate funds for new books and decorations; parent helpers have designed the spaces and lead the way on their decoration; Dore Democrats (the school pupil council) helped name the spaces and recommend new books. All children have also contributed to the look-and-feel of the spaces by making origami Book Snakes, Boats, Planes and Stars from old library books – they look brilliant!

Y1s finish off the Book Snakes in The Book Jungle

The English team have steered the project, making sure the books are not only interesting and relevant but also reflect the diversity of culture, backgrounds and heritage of all children. The launch on February 11th was a fantastic celebration of the school community’s efforts and passion for literacy.  The crazy wordsmith, That Poetry Bloke, was in attendance. He made sure all children knew how fun words can be. Now they can’t wait to explore the Book Jungle and the Magical World of Books.

That Poetry Bloke celebates books and reading in a special assembly

After half term some wonderful parent volunteer ‘Book Agents’ will be helping children get the most out of these resources. Perfect for helping them all read for pleasure. Don’t forget the Reading for Pleasure Challenges that all the children should have brought home this week.