
FS2 Nature Treasure Chests

What a magical time we have had this week in outdoor learning. Children had to hunt high and low for natures treasures on our school grounds and found some really interesting things. Off we went with our treasure chests (egg boxes) which we filled with: snail shells, baby conkers, apple babies, cherry babies, catkins, beech nut shells, clovers, daisies, buttercups, pineapple weed, all sorts of leaves, feathers…the list is endless. The children were so excited to hunt for the treasure and could explain why they had chosen their treasures for their boxes. We discussed textures, smells, colours, size etc.

Next we had a go at tree bark rubbing so the children could explore the different textures and markings of the trees. Children were encouraged to take these rubbings home and use them to decorate their treasure chests.

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