
Pre-School Spring 1 Week 3 Chinese New Year

This week we are exploring the celebration of Chinese or Lunar New Year. We have learned the story about the animals racing across the river to set the order of the animals for the years. We learned that this year is the year of the rabbit. We have been learning how people celebrate Chinese New Year. We have made lanterns, explored noodles with chop sticks and done our own version of a Dragon Dance.

We looked at some paintings of plum blossom by Chinese artist, Qi Baishi. Then we had a go at colour mixing and making our own versions.

We painted boxes to make a Chinese dragon and took it outside to do some dragon dancing.

Making Chinese new year dragons and the money envelopes .

Cooking Noodles and vegetables for a Chinese New Year feast

Outside fun, on bikes, chasing shadows, in the sand pit and with the ice .

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