
Pre-School Spring 2 Week 1 – Signs of Spring

We started our week by looking outside for signs of Spring. We had a walk up to the wildlife garden and found crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils. We read ‘It starts with a seed’ and talked about how plants grow. Inspired by the book the children have also planted some seeds and thinking about the life cycle of plants . They have also been using fine paint brushes and exploring/ using colours and shapes to draw their own daffodils .

We’ve also been having lots of fun outside on our new balance bikes (very kindly donated to us, thank you!) and in the sand pit.

We’ve been celebrating pancake day, tasting pancakes, talking about the toppings we enjoy on them, trying to toss pancakes and making them out of paper, card and salt dough.

Planting pea seeds

Painting their own version of a daffodil

Fun outside
