All posts by deputy


We practised addition with the numicon and wrote these number sentences on our whiteboards. We worked with a partner to chose the numbers, and some of us managed to add 2-digit numbers to a 1-digit number!


The children looked at the human skeleton and then recreated theirs using art straws! We love the accuracy of the elbow and knee joints!

Y1 as detectives!

The children looked at a range of clues to work out what nocturnal creature we will be learning about this term – can your child remember what it was?

Self portraits

Take a look at some of our brilliant self portraits. The children carefully studied their faces in a mirror and used a range of skills to create their masterpieces.

The Enormous Turnip

The children have settled into year 1 so well! Recently we started to explore the story of The Enormous Turnip and acted it out.

The Enormous Turnip

The children have settled into year 1 so well! We have started to explore the story of The Enormous Turnip and acted it out!

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