All posts by year1

Y1 English

Year 1 have started their new English topic looking into Katherine Johnson’s life. They acted as Katherine by making rockets suitable to fly into space!

Y1 Orthoptics visitors!

As part of their science learning about senses, Year 1 have been visited by some University of Sheffield trainee Orthoptists who have taught them lots about the eye and showed them through role play what an eye test would be like if they visited an opticians.

Y1- Outdoor learning

Year 1 have been learning about seasonal changes and Hedgehogs! We went on a leaf hunt around school and created our own habitats for Hedgehogs.

Y1 Cardiologist visit

Year 1 have been learning about the human body and healthy eating within their Learning journey lessons. They have had a special visit from a Cardiologist who talked to them about their bodies and eating healthy.

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