
Aztec collages

The Year 6s have been learning how Aztec artisans created mosaics using semi-precious stones, such as jade and turquoise. In our art lessons, we focused on the elements of space, colour and shape to create these stunning pieces:

Y3 Egyptian mummification writing

In Y3, we mummified a class mate to help us to write ‘how to mummify a body’ instructions. Come and check out our instructions in the classroom! Hopefully, they are clear and easy to follow.

Y3 Celtic House Building

At the end of our ‘Mists of Time’ topic we have been learning about our Iron Age ancestors, the Celts. We have explored how they lived and the changes seen through their use of iron. We thought that the Celts seemed settled now when compared to the Stone Age hunter gatherers! Inspired by the evidence […]

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