
Big bird watch

This week were thinking about birds in pre-school. How they live outside in the cold in the winter and we wondered where they may shelter . The children learnt about the robin, blue-tit, blackbird and sparrow. We made a winter tree using branches from outside and then decorated it with birds . The children also […]

Spring 1 week 2 -10 on a sled and ice .

This week the children have been enjoying the winter story of 10 on a sled. In the land of the midnight sun, all the animals are having fun speeding down the hill on Caribous sled. But as they go faster and faster, Seal, Hare, Walrus, and the others all fall off…until just Caribous left, only […]

Welcome back – Spring 1

Happy New Year to everyone. Welcome back to pre-school and a big welcome to all the new children starting pre-school this term . We’ve enjoyed the week settling back in and catching up with our news from the holidays. The children listened to the oral telling of the January story and we have continued to […]

Visit to the church

The children having been learning about the Christian Christmas story. and the importance of Christmas for Christians. They had a lovely morning visiting the church, meeting the vicar and exploring the church at Christmas time. Before returning back to pre-school we had our snack around the Christmas tree and sang ‘ We wish you a […]

The Wish Tree

This week the children have enjoyed the book The Wish Tree. The story is about a boy called Charles wants to find a wish tree. His brother and sister don’t believe there is such a thing, but his trusty companion Boggan is ready to join Charles on a journey to find out. And along the […]

What the Oak tree sees.

The children have enjoyed the book What the Oak Tree Sees. We went on a trail looking for woodland animal foot print and they had to find the corresponding animals hidden in the tree. It was a lovely frosty morning, we could feel winter on our hands and noses. Making hedgehogs from bread . Putting […]

Is there any room for me ?

This week the children have been listening to the oral story of “Is there any room for me ?” One a cold Autumnal morning a woodcutter was out in the woods with his trusted dog. Unknowingly he drops his glove on the forest floor. It then becomes a home for a mouse, frog, hedgehog, squirrel, […]

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