
Something happened in 1666….

After creating our bakery posters for Mrs Darling, we attempted to send them back in the time machine to London in 1665. When we arrived at school in the morning, the posters were still there but they were burnt! When we had a closer look we found a page from someone’s diary (his name was […]

Autumn Term Week Five

Patterns This week we started off thinking about patterns. The children made recurring patterns from natural resources, and also made their own type of patterns. They have also had fun in the rain, splashing in puddles and rain water. We’ve also been thinking about trees, the patterns on the trunks and the different parts of […]

London in 1665

In Y2 we have been learning about the plague in London in 1665, and comparing it to Covid-19. Did you know that people with the plague also had to isolate? They would put a Red Cross on their door. The medicines used were very different, children can you remember some of the strange things people […]

Autumn Term Week Four

More Apple Fairy fun This week the children have continued to enjoy the story of The Apple Fairy. Its been a really busy week. They made themselves stars from sticks and decorated them . Cut open apples, so they could find the stars inside, then made and cooked apple crumble on the fire. We have […]

Y4 The SpiDOREwick Chronicles

To get our lovely new classes settled into Y4, we used the ‘Spiderwick Chronicles’ as the inspiration for our first couple weeks of learning. We used the story for book study, then investigated the mysterious creatures you can find when you gain ‘the sight’ (the ability to see into the invisible world of faeries). To […]

Autumn Term Week Three

The Apple Fairy The children started off the week looking for, and digging up vegetables outside They have also week learnt a new story oral story called ‘The apple fairy’. It’s a story of an apple tree who was sad because she couldn’t reach up and catch a star. The apple fairy visited the tree […]

Self portraits

Take a look at some of our brilliant self portraits. The children carefully studied their faces in a mirror and used a range of skills to create their masterpieces.

The Enormous Turnip

The children have settled into year 1 so well! Recently we started to explore the story of The Enormous Turnip and acted it out.

The Enormous Turnip

The children have settled into year 1 so well! We have started to explore the story of The Enormous Turnip and acted it out!

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