Design and Technology

Y4 Design & Technology Reindeer

To create our cute reindeer, Y4 had to measure, mark and cut their wood. Then they had to sand down the rough edges. Next we drilled holes for the legs, neck and antlers and stuck on noses and eyes. Finally we plaited scarves to finish off our creations. As the photos show, this required some […]

Y6 – D.T – Jerk Chicken with Rice and Peas

In D.T this half term, Year 6 have been cooking Jamaica’s national dish: jerk chicken with rice and peas. Children started by looking at the recipe for jerk chicken, sampling the various aromatics which go into the spice blend and crafting their own perfect marinade. With their spice blends chosen, children prepared traditional Jamaican rice […]

FS2 Apple Stew

A warm welcome back to Autumn 2. We kick started outdoor learning this week with some tasty apple stew. We collected the apples from the tree on our school grounds, peeled and chopped them, before stewing them on the camp fire. The children were ready, safe and respectful around the fire and when using the […]

Y6 – Design and Technology – Making Chocolate

In Y6, this half term, we have been learning about the ways in which Aztecs used the beans of the cacao tree to make edible products. We also compared and contrasted the Aztec use of cacao to how the Europeans began to make use of cacao once it was brought back to Europe. Focussing on […]

Year 3 – D&T – Fruity Flapjack

Throughout our ‘Fantastic Food and Brilliant Bodies’ learning journey we have talked about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for fueling our bodies. As we were off on our first Year 3 Autumn walk in to the woods, we knew we would need a healthy snack. Working together we made a tray of fruity […]

FS2 Spin Drums

What a windy week! This week our learning took us outside where we observed the trees blowing and heard the leaves rustling. We marched up to the Horse Chestnut Tree, and what gems did we find? Conkers…. and so many of them! We gathered them up and brought them back to our classroom, pockets bulging. […]

Design and Food Technology – Ice-cream!

What better way to finish a series of Maths lesson using mass and capacity, than to use these skills to make ice-cream? The children worked brilliantly together to measure the incredients and follow the recipe to make delicious ice-cream. It was the perfect way to cool off in the hot weather!

Y4 Raft Building (and Floating!)

As an end of term celebration, which we had to postpone from Easter because of rain (seems a long time ago now!), Y4 utilised some of their Outdoor Learning knowledge to lash sticks together to create rafts. We then took them down to Old Hay Brook and Totley Brook to test them out. As you […]

Y5 Castleton Residential – Monday

Although it has been a hot couple of days (!), Y5 have spent their time in the relative calm, and slightly cooler air of Castleton and the surrounding area. The dorms have been lovely and cool, and activities have been adapted and amended to ensure that everyone has had a good supply of water, whilst […]

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