Outdoor Learning

Y5 Castleton Residential – Tuesday

On Tuesday morning, while some children went for a stroll and a paddle down Miller’s Dale, others completed the High Ropes challenges and obstacle course on site. In the afternoon some groups went caving, while others did the High Ropes then had a dip in the pond! Tuesday finished off with a toasted marshmallow around […]

Y4 Raft Building (and Floating!)

As an end of term celebration, which we had to postpone from Easter because of rain (seems a long time ago now!), Y4 utilised some of their Outdoor Learning knowledge to lash sticks together to create rafts. We then took them down to Old Hay Brook and Totley Brook to test them out. As you […]

Y5 Castleton Residential – Monday

Although it has been a hot couple of days (!), Y5 have spent their time in the relative calm, and slightly cooler air of Castleton and the surrounding area. The dorms have been lovely and cool, and activities have been adapted and amended to ensure that everyone has had a good supply of water, whilst […]

Y1 Water Relay

We worked on our team building skills this afternoon, whilst cooling off at the same time! The children had to transfer water from one receptacle to another, without spilling too much on the way. They did a great job supporting each other, and utilised their measuring skills to judge the winners of each race.

Y1 – Trip to Shirebrook Valley

Today, we visited Shirebrook Valley and met rangers Nell and James! They taught us all about creatures that live in ponds and woods. We then tried pond dipping and identified lots of different insects and living things! We also enjoyed making habitats for woodland animals as well as art work made from natural materials. A […]

Year 3 Summer Walk and Outdoor Art

Year 3 had a super day with a walk to Blacka Moor in the morning and creating outdoor art in the afternoon. It allowed us to put into practice some of the learning from our ‘How does your garden grow?’ learning journey; we gathered natural materils for both the art and future science lessons. It […]

Y1 – Outdoor Learning – making a fire

The year 1 children had the pleasure of Mr Fletcher showing them how to start a fire today! They thought about ways to stay safe and practised starting a fire. Some children were able to make sparks and a few even managed to start a fire! We toasted marshmallows too and listened to a story […]

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