
Autumn walks and treasures.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been exploring Dore and the beautiful trees, They children have been thinking and looking at early changes to the trees and their leaves. They have also been collecting autumnal treasures. Visiting the old oak tree and listening to the oral story Short walk looking at the changing […]

Y3 Science – different joints

As Scientists, we investigated how our skeleton provides: protection, support and movement. We found out about the different joints: ball and socket, gliding and hinge. We designed a playground game that had to include movement of all 3 joints. We played these games to keep us fit and healthy!

Year 5 Book Club

Year 5 have been celebrating reading in a weekly book club: Keep reading and sharing, what will you choose next? Here are some suggestions.

Year 6 Young Leader Training

This week, our Year 6 pupils have been working with a member of staff from Forge School Sports Partnership to complete their young leader training. This knowledge was put to good use, supporting the Year 1 children in a number of active and engaging games. Values of patience, empathy, and determination were visible in abundance! […]

Aztec collages

The Year 6s have been learning how Aztec artisans created mosaics using semi-precious stones, such as jade and turquoise. In our art lessons, we focused on the elements of space, colour and shape to create these stunning pieces:

Y4, Y5 and Y6 Panathlon Bowling

We were lucky to be invited to take two teams of children to attend the Panathlon Games Ten-Pin Bowling competition. Our children had a fantastic time at the event, with our Y5 and Y6 team finishing seventh overall (out of 24 teams). The medals we received are lovely! Thanks to the folks at Panathlon and […]

Autumn 1 Week 4

The children have continued to think about early autumn and this week we started to look at how the leaves are changing colour . They looked at the shape of the leaves and have done some leaf printing and leaf rubbing . Some of the children have also retold the story of The Apple family […]

Y1 Cardiologist visit

Year 1 have been learning about the human body and healthy eating within their Learning journey lessons. They have had a special visit from a Cardiologist who talked to them about their bodies and eating healthy.

Y4 Layers of the Rainforest

As part of our ‘Amazonian Adventure’ learning journey, we studied how the flora of the rainforest can be split into different layers: emergent, canopy, understorey and undergrowth/forest floor. To conslidate this learning, children spent an outdoor learning session trying to recreate scale models of the rainforest using scavenged items.

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