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Y4 Portal Stories

Y4 have spent a great deal of care, time and effort creating these amazing stories. First we read about different examples of ‘portal story’, including The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Phantom Tollbooth. We worked out that mostly portal stories start with someone who isn’t happy with their everyday life (just like […]

Y4 RE – Christ Church Visit

As part of our RE unit of Christianity, Y4 were invited to visit Christ Church in the village. As well as seeing inside the church, we learned about some Christian beliefs, and reminded ourselves of the Nativity story. Back in school we created Christingles from oranges, ribbon, candles and sweets on cocktail sticks. For Christians […]

Y4 Design & Technology Reindeer

To create our cute reindeer, Y4 had to measure, mark and cut their wood. Then they had to sand down the rough edges. Next we drilled holes for the legs, neck and antlers and stuck on noses and eyes. Finally we plaited scarves to finish off our creations. As the photos show, this required some […]

Y4 Buddhism Visitor

This week Y4 were visited by Srivati from The Still Living Buddhist Centre in Walkley. She added to our learning so far about Buddhism, reminding us of the story of the Buddha, along with many aspects of the daily life of Buddhists. We finished with a non-denominational meditation session, that you can see from the […]

Y4 Science – Digestion

As part of our ‘Food for Thought’ learning journey, Y4 investigated the digestive systems of humans, cows and chickens, to understand how bodies and organs adapt to different diets. For humans, we re-enacted the journey of food from its entry into the body to its exit. We used various household objects to shwo this, including […]

Y4 Tooth Decay Investigation

As part of our science learning about teeth, Y4 conducted an investigation to see which liquids (coke, diet coke, orange juice, milk, water) could have the most negative impact on our teeth. We used eggs as their shells are made of a similar material to our teeth, and observed changes over 48 hours. The results […]

Y4 Natural Balms

Taking inspiration from stories of some of the people of the Amazon Rainforest, Y4 created a balm useful as a remedy for insect bites and stings from plantain (the grass not the fruit), olive oil and beeswax. We boiled the oil, then added the plantain and simmered for another 10 minutes, then we strained the […]

Y4 River Fieldwork

To tie in with our ‘Amazonian Adventure’, Y4 learned about the features of rivers, and how water flows through them. To embed the new vocabulary and test out some ideas (hypotheses) we had come up with, we visited Old Hay Brook on a Geography Field Trip. This involved lots of hands on, practical learning, but […]

Y4 Layers of the Rainforest

As part of our ‘Amazonian Adventure’ learning journey, we studied how the flora of the rainforest can be split into different layers: emergent, canopy, understorey and undergrowth/forest floor. To conslidate this learning, children spent an outdoor learning session trying to recreate scale models of the rainforest using scavenged items.

Y4 Outdoor Maths

For a change to a usual maths lesson, we put our learning on our new Outdoor Learning posts around the school field, so children were able to get some exercise while they were working. It proved very popular!

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