
Y2 – English – GFoL Immersion

Today, the children used their model buildings to renact the Great Fire of London! They thought about how people at the time would have felt and used resources from around the classroom to add to their settings

Plague Medicine Making!

In Y2 we have been learning about the plague in London in 1665, and comparing it to Covid-19. Did you know that people with the plague also had to isolate? They would put a red cross on their door. The medicines used were very different, children can you remember some of the strange things people […]

Y5 Castleton Residential – Tuesday

On Tuesday morning, while some children went for a stroll and a paddle down Miller’s Dale, others completed the High Ropes challenges and obstacle course on site. In the afternoon some groups went caving, while others did the High Ropes then had a dip in the pond! Tuesday finished off with a toasted marshmallow around […]

Y4 Roman Mosaics

In Art and Design, we discovered how the Romans liked to create mosaics to represent people, stories and make attractive patterns to decorate buildings and homes. We had a go at creating our own, and quickly found that cutting 100 ‘tessarae’, then painting them to fit our designs, was fiddly and time-consuming work. The effort […]

Y4 Legendary Legionary Day

As a culmination of our learning about the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain, we held ‘Legendary Legionary’ day. Dressing and acting as legionaries (Roman soldiers), our ‘cohorts’ of troops rotated around a series of activities to help them prepare to invade Britannia. Children experienced military training – archery and javelin practice, shield designs […]

Ancient Egyptian STEM in Year 3

In recent weeks, the children in year 3 have been really getting stuck into a series of STEM projects (Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as they investigate different aspects of ancient Egyptian life. Pyramid Angles We measured the angles that the Ancient Egyptians had built their pyramid and learnt how this affected the height and […]

Y4 Roman Roads

To support our understanding of Roman technologies in our ‘Legendary Legionaries’ learning journey, we researched Roman Roads in Britain. We found out that many of the roads we use today have been built on top of the original Roman Roads, and that the Romans developed the road system to help transport goods, and soldiers, across […]

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