
Year 3 Summer Walk and Outdoor Art

Year 3 had a super day with a walk to Blacka Moor in the morning and creating outdoor art in the afternoon. It allowed us to put into practice some of the learning from our ‘How does your garden grow?’ learning journey; we gathered natural materils for both the art and future science lessons. It […]

Y1 – Science – Food Chains!

Today, the children learnt all about different food chains. They could explain how energy is transferred between living things and some children even managed to use key vocabulary such as ’prey’, ’predator’, ’producer’ and ’consumer’!

Ancient Egyptian STEM in Year 3

In recent weeks, the children in year 3 have been really getting stuck into a series of STEM projects (Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as they investigate different aspects of ancient Egyptian life. Pyramid Angles We measured the angles that the Ancient Egyptians had built their pyramid and learnt how this affected the height and […]

Foundation 2 Spring Update

We’ve had an action packed and enjoyable Spring 2 half term. The children have definitely earned their break with all their hard work and super learning progress. This is a very full update but we will aim after the holidays to update you with more regular smaller posts. If you notice your child isn’t featured […]

Year 2 Science

Today we have become scientists researching a range of materials and testing whether things are waterproof, sturdy, flexible and absorbent. This information will help us when we choose the materials to make our weather proof house!

British Science week

This week Year Two have had a great time exploring the theme of growth as part of British Science week. We have been preparing our planters, learning how to plant seeds and creating our own worm farms in order to make own compost! We are all excited to see how things grow!

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