Year 4

Y4 River Fieldwork

To tie in with our ‘Amazonian Adventure’, Y4 learned about the features of rivers, and how water flows through them. To embed the new vocabulary and test out some ideas (hypotheses) we had come up with, we visited Old Hay Brook on a Geography Field Trip. This involved lots of hands on, practical learning, but […]

Y4 Layers of the Rainforest

As part of our ‘Amazonian Adventure’ learning journey, we studied how the flora of the rainforest can be split into different layers: emergent, canopy, understorey and undergrowth/forest floor. To conslidate this learning, children spent an outdoor learning session trying to recreate scale models of the rainforest using scavenged items.

Y4 Outdoor Maths

For a change to a usual maths lesson, we put our learning on our new Outdoor Learning posts around the school field, so children were able to get some exercise while they were working. It proved very popular!

Y4 SpiDOREwick Chronicles

Y4 started the year by immersing ourselves into the magical world of The Spiderwick Chronicles. Through our reading, we discovered that it is possible to gain ‘The Sight’, allowing humans to see into the faerie world. This world contains all sorts of creatures, from fairies and pixies to trolls and boggarts. Once we had gained […]

Y4 Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Art

To commemorate the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Year Four spent some time in Health and Wellbeing thinking about our feelings and emotions during the difficult and sad period of national mourning. We made links with our ‘Zones of Regulation’, which use colours to represent feelings. Then, in Art and Design, we used […]

Y4 Friendship Photos

To start the year, Y4 spent one of our first Health and Wellbeing lessons thinking about friendship, and what makes a great friend. We then went outside and took photos of our friendships in action.

Summer Citizenship Awards

As always at the end of every full term, we celebrated great learning and behavioural attitudes by awarding Citizenship Awards to one child in each year group who epitomises our school values of Resilience, Resourcefulness, Kindness and Creativity on a daily basis. Every time we hadn out these awards it is a such a hard […]

The Wileman Cup Final 2022

Our intra-school football competition culminated with a brilliant final between AFC Kerwin and Furniss Rovers. With the whole school watching on,every child had a great game, doing themselves and their teams proud. Furniss ran out 5-3 winners. This event would not be possible without the fantastic Y6 captains, who help to organise and referee every […]

Y4 Raft Building (and Floating!)

As an end of term celebration, which we had to postpone from Easter because of rain (seems a long time ago now!), Y4 utilised some of their Outdoor Learning knowledge to lash sticks together to create rafts. We then took them down to Old Hay Brook and Totley Brook to test them out. As you […]

Y4 Arches

To link in with our learning about Roman technology and architecture, we created our own arches out of straight pieces of wood. To do this we had to carefully create a trapezium template (nicely linking with our recent maths work on 2D shapes). We used the template to mark out our wood, then used workbenches […]

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