Year 4

Y4 End of Year D&T and Outdoor Learning

To finish off an amazing year in Y4, we managed to squeeze in some activities that we had wanted to do in earlier learning journeys but didn’t manage to fit in. The first was thinking back to our ‘Legendary Legionary’ learning journey, then studying how the Romans developed the use of arches to create stable […]

Y4 Quicksticks Hockey South Yorkshire Finals

Our Y4 hockey team qualifed to represent Sheffield in the South Yorkshire School Games through a local festival back in May. The event was held at Rotherham Hockey Club, where we competed against 6 other schools from Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. Our team were fanastic, and managed to win every game they played, which […]

Y4 & Y5 Phoenix Kids Triathlon (Brownlee Foundation)

Our skilled team of 111 (!) Y4 and Y5 children took part in the Sheffield round of the Phoenix Kids Triathlon at Springs Leisure Centre and Springs Academy. The event was a fantastic introduction to triathlons, with children swimming 50m, cycling 800m and running 300m, all without stopping for a break or to change into […]

Y4 Dynamo Cricket Competitions

During May and June, Y4 have been involved in several rounds of the Yorkshire Dynamo Cricket Competition. We started off at Hollinsend in May with two teams, one of whom managed to qualify for the South Yorkshire round of the competition. The other team finished second in their group, which for a team who had […]

Y4 Visit to Burbage Valley

To support our learning in Geography of maps and settlements, and History about Roman roads and bridge-making, Y4 hiked from Ringinglow along the Houndkirk Road, then down through Burbage Valley across the packhorse bridge and up to Carl Wark and then Higger Tor. Whilst walking, we investigated why some people think that the Houndkirk Road […]

Y4 English – Writing Immersion

To support our writing sequence where children wrote a story about the Iceni tribe burning down London, Y4 enhanced their writing by generating vocabulary for their senses whilst experiencing a real open fire. Back in the classroom a carousel of learning and facts allowed children to collect information and generate ideas for what sort of […]

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