
Y4 Winter Walk

To end an excellent first term in Y4, we spent our penultimate day before the Christmas holiday undertaking a 10 kilometre walk from school, up to Totley Moss and Blacka Moor, then back to school. As you can see, the views were NOT amazing as the weather was pretty awful. Fortunately, Y4 children (and teachers) […]

Y4 RE – Christ Church Dore Visit

As part of our RE unit of Christianity, Y4 were invited to visit Christ Church in the village. As well as seeing inside the church, we learned about Christian Christmas beliefs, including what the advent candles represent, and reminded ourselves of the Nativity story. We explored the church through a ‘clue hunt’, then Andy asnwered […]

Y3 Church Visit

The children having been learning about the Christian Christmas story and whether Christmas has lost it’s true meaning. The children had a lovely afternoon visiting the church, meeting the vicar and exploring the church at Christmas time. We sang some Christmas songs and then made our way to the Village Green Shop to purchase a […]

Y4 Design and Technology – Reindeer

To create our cute reindeer, Y4 had to measure, mark and cut their wood. Next we drilled holes for the legs, neck and antlers and stuck on noses and eyes. Finally we plaited scarves to finish off our creations. As the photos show, this required some fantastic teamwork from the whole year group. Our value […]

Y4 English – Portal Stories

Y4 have spent a great deal of care, time and effort creating these amazing stories. First we read about different examples of ‘portal story’, including The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Phantom Tollbooth. We worked out that mostly portal stories start with someone who isn’t happy with their everyday life (just like […]

Visit to the church

The children having been learning about the Christian Christmas story. and the importance of Christmas for Christians. They had a lovely morning visiting the church, meeting the vicar and exploring the church at Christmas time. Before returning back to pre-school we had our snack around the Christmas tree and sang ‘ We wish you a […]

Y2- Nativity Performances

We were astounded by the professionalism of our Y2’s during their nativity performances. They all invested so much time, effort and resilience into learning their stage directions, lines and all of the songs. A huge thank you to the DPA for organising tea and coffee for parents and for their help with the raffle hamper. […]

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